**This is a registry item for Stephanie & Matthew. All sizes & colors have been preselected.**
The NogginStik® developmental light-up rattle is baby’s first learning toy. It might look like a cute version of a baby rattle, but it has a powerful agenda. The NogginStik® was designed to help parents, caregivers and early intervention therapists begin encouraging early milestones in infants.
The NogginStik head lights up red, blue and green to stimulate a baby’s eyes and to encourage visual tracking.
The base of the NogginStik makes a soft rattle sound to please the ears.
It has an easy to hold handle for mastering grasping and fun textures to delight the sense of touch.
Your baby’s NogginStik® will help you begin to encourage her beginning milestones from the day she is born!
(Ages 0+)